No matter how good a web designer or a graphic designer is inspiration is one thing that is never enough. Almost all designers are inspired by another designers work no matter how experienced the designer is. There is a major difference between being inspired and copying somebody else’s work. A web designer may explore other designers work to understand the current web design, color, jquery or any other prevalent trend in the web design industry. We firmly believe that having technical know how and understanding the current trend in your industry is hugely different. Understanding and identifying this importance of trend is what makes us stand apart from other web design companies. We follow international designers closely and are always look out for latest ideas, trend and technology which would benefit our web design clients and us too.
We at smartfish appreciate and feel inspired by a well designed website which in return motivate us to work hard on ourselves. Below are some websites that we love and feel inspired pushing ourselves to design even more creatively.
Clevertech is a team of business analysts, developers and designers. Clevertech creates well-built beautifully designed web applications.
A vertical parallax web design in black and white. Discover the pleasure of listening to your music with the headset otherwise Spirit One.
Interesting design with subtle colors and nice illustrations. Website of Kez, singer entertainer multitasking, invites you to drink a cocktail, chat with friends and choose a song to sing and / or slaughter depending on the mood!
A website with awesome navigation on the concept of a flowchart. The design itself has a vintage look and feel to it.
Nice colors and product display. Website of a Mumbai based company selling flavoured milk.
A simple grid based with a good navigation design with some attitude from Czech Republic.
Minimalist simple design difficult to not like. Check out the section where they take a survey about the person you are gifting. Sixteen perfect products for gifting, beautifully presented.
Website of a law firm from Melbourne, Australia has our favourite combination of red, black, white and grey. The design has horizontal scrolling with the navigation which is static on the left side. Not many of us in the web design industry are big fans of horizontal bar though.
Minimalist design with interesting navigation. The story of fontsmit library.
Very interesting way to start your navigation through the web design, the site takes you to the bottom of the website first and makes you climb / scroll up as you navigate through different links.
A very simple 1 page website in terms of functionality but what we loved about their website were the illustrations which are also screen shot of their windows phone game.
Dr. Ken Mann’s website has a vintage feel to it, fixed navigation and vertical auto scrolling is used for navigating through the website. The content / copy of the website is really humorous and keeps you engrossed, I almost forgot about this blog :).
A personal website of Grezgorz Kozak from Wroclaw, Poland. The links magically appear when you hold down ctrl + left click on the page. The graphics of the landing page and use of jquery for animation impressed us but the graphics for the links needs a lot of re-work.
The website is of Sara Citreanbaum, like the illustrations which have been inspired by her pet dogs.
Website of Ahmedabad Racquet Academy, unusual web design with bold and bright colors.